ARPKD| CHF Alliance

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ARPKD/CHF Youth Ambassador Project
A Community Service Project

What is it?

It is youth leadership. ARPKD/CHF Youth Ambassadors will advise and give input as part of an exclusive advisory board.  What started off solely as addressing pediatric to adult care issues grew into something bigger.


It is an opportunity to be involved, to make a difference.  By keeping a finger on the pulse of what ARPKD/CHF youth are thinking, we utilize kid's senses'.  "Improving the lives of those affected" by putting youth ideas into action and service across the United States and around the world.


Who may participate?

14 to 21 year olds


What are the benefits?

Three things.

  1. Exciting opportunities to be heard, inspire, and motivate others.

  2. Create an impact while having fun!

  3. Earn Community Service hours that high schools and colleges appreciate.

How to get started?

Answer several questions and send them back to us.  We want your feedback.

  1. How would you describe this disease?

  2. If there was one thing you could change about this disease, what would that be?  

  3. And most importantly, how does this disease define you?

Email replies to, include your name, state you live in, and phone number.  We will contact you, please know you will need parental permission to participate if under 18 years of age. 



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