“Lifetime Achievement Award” for Dr. Ellis Avner

Children’s Hospital Health System of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI, Dr. Avner has served on the editorial boards of fifteen key journals in nephrology and developmental biology. He has been an editor of the last five editions of the standard global textbook of his subspecialty, Pediatric Nephrology, 7th edition, 2015. He is the author of more than 340 original articles, invited
reviews, chapters, and books in the area of renal developmental biology, polycystic kidney disease and pediatric nephrology.
Dr. Avner has served multiple roles in NIH-based peer review, including a regular appointment to the General Medicine B Study Section. Through his research and training programs Dr. Avner trained 34 pre-and post-doctoral fellows, many of whom now lead Children’s Nephrology programs in major academic centers in the United States, Europe and Asia. Through his leadership and clinical activities in four major academic medical centers since 1980, he has taught and/or mentored hundreds of students, residents and faculty colleagues. As an Emeritus Professor, Dr. Avner continues to serve as a mentor, advisor, researcher, and advocate for children with kidney disease.
We congratulate him on this prestigious award!